This company was advertised at 3200 France Ave. in the 1959 and ’60 Echowans. It was located in the Bass Lake area. It may have been owned by Arvid Carlson; another name associate with it is R. A. Peterson.
In 1953, Carlson built one office building and one warehouse.
In 1955, residents of Minikahda Oaks complained about the heavy trucks entering and exiting France Ave., the only entrance to that neighborhood.
An ad from 1956 tells us that the company was into lumber, millwork, cement, paneling, garages, custom cabinets, insulation, hardware, roofing, plywood, and blocks. The ad featured “Little Paul,” who says “Let me chop your lumber problems!”

In 1956 the company built Acme Little League Field at the site of the present Rec Center.