The first we know of this property is that it was a miniature golf course owned by William McElroy in 1940.
Records show that a building was built in 1950 by Don Olinger for $20,000.
In 1950-51 we see Hiawatha Coaches listed.
In October 1953 the building was purchased by Johnson Bros. Plumbing and Heating. They were later located at 7102 W. Lake Street from 1956-58.
From 1955-60 there was United Petroleum Gas Co.
Northern Propane Gas Co. is listed from 1964 to 1974.

In June 1972 we also see the Dual System Driving School.
Airlink Travel, occupant from 1991-94, was involved with insurance fraud.
The building was demolished in 1999 to make way for Excelsior and Grand.