This building was built in 1949, according to the City. Several businesses have occupied space here over the years, using the addresses 4811, 4813, and 4815. Some of them are listed here. Dates are by all means not all inclusive If you have any additions or corrections, please contact us.
Behning Hardware (H.E. Behning): 1950-60. 1950-56 ads give the address as 4815.

Brochin’s Book and Gift Shop: 1966-68
Chicken Delight: February 1964- There was another Chicken Delight on Excelsior Blvd. Whether it moved here or this was a separate franchise is unclear. At this store, Bruce Blumenthal, pictured below, was the manager in the sixties..
Registered Locksmiths: 1966
Sherm’s TV: 1966-70
2005: City Cat Clinic and Condos
Photos below are from the company’s website: