Please contact us if you have any corrections, additions, or photos. Also see High School Principals.
1888-1895: Joseph Hamilton
1895-1900: S. M. Abott (Principal)
1900-1901: R.L. Davidson (Principal)
1901-1904: Herbert Carleton
1904-1920: Erwin Stearns Hatch (Aug. 1, 1871-Jan. 3, 1955)
1920-1932: Robert E. Scott (lived at 3924 Randall Ave. in the Minikahada Oaks neighborhood). Went on to become the Hennepin County Superintendent of Schools.

1932-June 1943: Norreys Hume McKay. N.H. McKay resigned in June 1943 to accept an appointment with the Red Cross for overseas duty as a club director. He went overseas in December 1943. He was declared dead on February 2, 1944, after the disappearance of his Army transport plane on a mission to New Guinea. A memorial service was held for him at the Congregational Church on April 22, 1945.
July 20, 1943-November 1944: Laurence Evans. Evans had been principal of the high school during the 1936-37 school year.
November 16, 1944-August 27, 1948: Otto Emil Domian (Feb. 16, 1901 – April 30, 1976). Domian came from Waseca.
September 1, 1948-June 30, 1972: Harold R. Enestvedt (April 26, 1907 – March 16, 2005)
July 1, 1972 – January 1, 1976: Marvin Maire. Maire resigned in September 1975 for a job in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for a salary of $1,000 more per year.
1976-July 1984: Michael E. Hickey (May 30, 1938 – August 28, 2022)
October 1984 – June 1995: Carl Holmstrom
October 30, 1995: Carol Johnson
2000 – January 31, 2004: Dr. Barbara Pulliam
February 1 – June 30, 2004: Dan Walker, Acting
July 1, 2004-June 30, 2013: Debra Bowers
July 1, 2013 – Rob Metz