This is the famous “Wagon Wheel House” that was built by artist Martin Fowler and his wife Alice on Excelsior Blvd. in 1949. The Fowlers purchased the land from Dr. Buck, who lived across Huntington Ave. The land had been across Excelsior Blvd. from Christopher Hanke’s barn. A builder created the distinctive log cabin home where the Fowlers raised their three children: Martin, Jr., William, and Mary Alice.

The photos below were taken a few years ago by Edina Realty, when the house was on the market. (At one time a previous owner proposed that it be turned into a coffeehouse, but parking issues prevented that proposal from happening.) The photos show that the home was not only a showpiece on the outside, but the theme was carried out inside as well.

In 2018, new owners began to renovate the home, while respecting its uniqueness and value to the family and the community. Mary Alice Fowler reports that an an upper dormer bedroom is being built in place of the old attic, giving the upstairs a great view. The new owners are restoring as much of the old wood inside and out and putting it back in place. The original fireplace in the studio will be intact. She says, “My family home needed some drastic repairs, all which are being done. Frankly, the home is being saved by someone who cares!”