Information on the creation of Knollwood comes courtesy of Mr. Charles B. Koehler, the nephew of G. Fred Lohman. Also see Lohman’s role in the building of the second Target store in the country.
Also see Knollwood Village, which is a strip mall next to Target.
The story of Knollwood begins with the story of G. Fred Lohman, who bought the Calhoun Realty Co. in the early 1920s. In anticipation of a highway that was to travel west, in 1929 he purchased a farm in western St. Louis Park/eastern Hopkins, guessing where the highway might go. These photos are in the archives of Knollwood management, and may have been properties on the site:
Lohman guessed right, and Highway 7 did indeed go through his new property in 1934. The property had previously been used as Pringle’s Driving range (Jim Pringle), a cornfield, and pasture for the herd from the Glen Lake School for Boys.
1937 aerial photo of what would become Knollwood. Highway 7 cuts diagonally along the bottom. Texas Ave. is on the right. Minnehaha Creek is on the left and 36th Street is on the top. Thanks to Marc Kenton.
Lohman’s dream was for Raymond Lowey, an internationally acclaimed industrial designer from New York, to design a shopping center with bridges and stores that would face Minnehaha Creek, which ran through his property. Lowey went so far as to make a mock-up, but Lohman could not get approval for commercial zoning for a section at the eastern edge of the property (where Cub is now) and for the area west of the Creek (where Target now stands).
Lohman pressed on with his dream of a suburban shopping center, and was successful in convincing Powers to make the move out to the suburbs – the first leading department store from downtown to build a branch in the suburbs.
Plans for the $5 million Lohman’s Knollwood Plaza Shopping Center were announced in the Dispatch on October 22, 1953. The announcement was made by Calhoun Realty (G. Fred Lohman, President) and Henry Shanedling and Sons Corp. The article said that the shopping center would accommodate 35 stores, including J.C. Penney (the second in the Twin Cities), Walgreen’s, National Tea grocery store, Hove’s grocery store, Sears, Woolworth’s, Kinney’s shoe store, Three Sisters, Town and Country Hardware, Johnston Appliance, and Fanny Farmer Candy. The structure was planned at 300,000 square feet with 300 parking spaces. It was to have the first suburban Sears store and the “first in this section of the nation with a Woolworth store.”
The 1953 announcement reported that the designer would be Raymond Loewy Corp. The architect would be Thorshov and Cerny. Contractors would be Alexander and Kingbay. Donald Shanedling was named as the builder. Managing agents were to be David P. Jones Co. and Towle Co. Sale of the land was done by P.H. Andares of Calhoun Realty. The Lohman Knollwood Plaza Corp. had Donald Shanedling as president, Robert Henretta as secretary and J.P. Cattanach as treasurer.
At the same time as the announcement of the shopping center, Lohman announced a $10 million housing development project for a 155-acre tract of land north of Highway 7 between Minnehaha Creek and Hopkins, adjacent to the shopping center. Plans were to build more than 350 homes.
The shopping center opened on August 24, 1955, at 8337 Highway 7 (at Texas Avenue). Present at the Flag Raising Ceremony were Mayor Russell Fernstrom, Governor Orville Freeman, singer Rosemary Clooney, and Senators Edward Thye and Hubert Humphrey, who said that he had seen “shopping areas in many parts of the country, but none that equaled Knollwood Plaza for its beauty and construction.” The ceremony was carried live on KSTP radio at 10 am. Five of the Park’s “Industrial Firms” placed a half page ad in the Dispatch welcoming the center to the neighborhood.
A 50-year time capsule containing predictions of future lifestyles was buried during the Grand Opening, according to the August 21, 1955, issue of the Minneapolis Tribune. Was it ever opened in 2005?
When opened, the center had 34 stores, 3000 parking spaces, 312,000 square feet, and a price tag of $7 million. The center was expected to generate 850 jobs. It was reported to be the 13th shopping center in suburban Twin Cities, with 9 more on the drawing board. Some of the first stores didn’t last long, but some lasted for many years. Over 75 percent of the new stores were fully air conditioned.
In October 1955 the Plaza introduced the “Kurtesee Kar,” described as a brightly painted scooter pulling a colorful wagon equipped with soft seats and an awning. “We started using the Kurtesee Kar as an experiment, esplained Earl Pleticha, manager of the Sears store. “If it develops that the car is bing utilized and if it proves worthwhile, the shopping center probably will use at least two of them. From Powers to Red Owl is almost a half mile walk, so the Kurtesee Kar probably will become very popular with Knollwood Plaza shoppers.”

In December 1956 a triangular bus shelter was built under the Knollwood sign.
In November 1957, G.F. Lohman requested rezoning of a 35-acre tract west of Knollwood in order to expand the shopping center, which he sold his rights to several years previously. His plans were to build a multi-million dollar section that would include a restaurant, motel, medical clinic and office building. His request was not approved, and his nephew reported that he was incensed when Target was allowed to develop the property. (Minneapolis Star 11/28/1957)
In February 1958 Red Owl sought an injunction to halt construction of a Conoco gas station in the parking lot in front of the store. Although construction had already started, the injunction was granted on the grounds that it impeded traffic and blocked access to the store.
In an article in the Minneapolis Star, R.T. Rybak reported that Knollwood “became so popular that in 1958 the St. Louis Park City Council considered a proposal to rename Highway 7 ‘Knollwood Boulevard’ to give the road ‘glamour appeal.'”
In the early 1960s Lohman sold the Knollwood Plaza property to Schanedling for about $350,000 – $400,000. With the sale he insisted that the center be called “Lohman’s Knollwood Plaza” or Schanedling would owe him $25,000. Schanedling put up the sign all right, but with the name Lohman in pale yellow lettering on white, so no one could see it. Even Lohman saw the humor in that.
Highway 7 runs east west in the photo below:

The aerial below is undated but has to be after 1962 since Target is there. Highway 7 runs northwest to southeast in this photo.

In this aerial from 1968 the Powers and Red Owl signs are readable.
Two additional entrances were added at 36th Street in December 1968.

An addition to Knollwood was built in 1973 at 8020 Highway 7.
But times were bad at Knollwood in the ’70s: a Metropolitan Council report showed that while retail spending in the Twin Cities between 1972 and 1977 rose sharply, sales at Knollwood dropped $5 million between 1975 and 1976. Woolworth’s and Sears left during this time, to Ridgedale, which opened in 1974 and had become a major competitor. In 1976 management at Knollwood tried to appeal to younger shoppers with the slogan “Knollwood: 21 Years Old and Getting Younger,” but signature store Young Quinlan left in January 1978. Despite its hard times, Knollwood at one time advertised that it was “The Suburb’s Main Street,” which, of course, being St. Louis Park, it wasn’t. But in the days before online shopping, the Mall of America, and even some of the Dales, Knollwood was the place to go for clothes, fabric, and much more.

On June 19, 1978, owner United National Corporation of New York paid $750,000 for the Park Knoll School site. School Superintendent Michael Hickey said that the price was 50 percent more than the original appraisal of the property. The St. Louis Park City Council zoned the property, including the school site, a Planned Unit Development (PUD), which meant that construction plans are subject to the approval of the Council. (Sun, June 28, 1978)
A week after United bought the Park Knoll site, it sold Knollwood Plaza to the Knollwood Company of Des Moines, Iowa. General Growth Management Corporation and General Growth Development Corporation, both of Des Moines, became responsible for management and development of the center. General Growth owned 22 other malls across the U.S. Randy Herbst came to Minnesota from Des Moines in May 1978 to oversee the extensive remodeling, and was the manager of the new mall. Renovations included the demolition of Park Knoll Elementary School, which had been sold to previous Knollwood owner United National Corporation of New York for $750,000 on June 19. The Park Knoll area became a Montgomery Ward Store, which is now a Cub Grocery Store. Also in 1978 improvements were made to the Blake Road/Highway 7 intersection.
After building a major department store, enclosing a walkway to an open-air mall, and adding space for 75 new shops, Knollwood Plaza became Knollwood Mall in the fall of 1980. Many (but not all) of the stores now faced in instead of out. Stores surrounded a center court with a 200-foot skylight and a bronze ceiling. Brick planters were added for ambiance. A translucent plastic called Kal-Wall was used in the ceiling-roof portion of the entrances to allow light in but keep heat out. The floor area was expanded from 250,000 to 500,000 square feet. A specialty boutique section was opened in the space formerly occupied by Young-Quinlan. Parking spaces were reduced from 3,000 to 2,200. The mall remained open through the entire remodeling project.
Jeff Kleinbaum’s Knollwood pin for mall employees when they enclosed/remodeled.
A Celebrity Opening Benefit featuring boxer Scott LeDoux on behalf of the American Cancer Society was held on October 7, 1980, and the Grand Re-Opening was held on October 8-18. The official ribbon cutting was held at 9:30 am on October 8, attended by Mayor Phyllis McQuaid, State Senator Irv Stern, State Representative Elliot Rothenberg, Skip Humphrey, and mall manager Randy Herbst. Activities included jazzercise demonstrations, performances by Harlem Globetrotter Hallie Bryant, and a challenge by Marie “Scooter” DeLorme of the Minnesota Fillies of the ill-fated Women’s Professional Basketball League. For $10 you could take her on in a game of Horse, and if you beat her you won $100. $50,000 was raised for the Cancer Society.
An article in the Minneapolis Star dated August 20, 1981, reported that owners General Growth was not trying to compete with the Dales, but instead sought to be a sort of “corner store” in which the clientele comes primarily from the surrounding area.
There were problems with the concept, however, as some stores connected to the inner mall and some didn’t. An analysis is provided in the link Deadmalls.

In 1994 the building that had begun as Powers, then Donaldson’s, and finally Carson Pirie Scott was torn down to make way for Kohl’s.
In 1995-96 the Mall was remodeled and reconfigured, with a new facade, stores, and entrance.
County records show a sale of the property to Knollwood Mall, LLC in January 1997 for $6.7 million. The Twin City Federal parcel also belongs to Knollwood Mall LLC, with no purchase information online. Taxes on both properties are paid by General Growth Properties in Illinois. The Cub property is a separate property belonging to Knollwood Mall, LLC, but with taxes paid by Jerry’s Enterprises in Edina.
The mall was renovated in 2005. It was in that year that a time capsule, buried during the Grand Opening in 1955, was supposed to be opened to reveal predictions of future lifestyles, according to a side bar article in the August 21, 1955, issue of the Minneapolis Tribune. Was it?
A July 17, 2013, article in the Minneapolis StarTribune indicates that the property was owned by Rouse Properties, which was created by General Growth Properties in early 2012 as a spinoff company. Rouse presented a redevelopment proposal to the St. Louis Park City Council. The interior would be demolished and replaced by approximately five “Junior Box” stores about the size of Old Navy. The crazy-quilt parking lot would be redesigned and a three-store building would be built at the corner of Aquila Ave. and Highway 7 that would include Panera Bread.
Photo below by Seth Rowe.
Knollwood has always had a spirited community life, with myriad events that bring people together for more than shopping. In the early days each anniversary was celebrated with a square dance, barbeque, and other activities. The following are just a sample of these fun times at Knollwood:
A 1956 Automobile Outdoor Exhibit took place on June 21-23, with 13 car dealers participating. The cars on display included a VW sedan, DeSoto, Golden Hawk Studebaker, Mercury Phaeton, Nash Cross Country Rambler, and a Pontiac Starchief. The event was presented by American Shopping Centers’ Inc. Developers, Donald Shanedling, President.
The Knollwood merchants were a merry bunch; on June 12, 1957, ten of them went on a fishing trip, reported the Dispatch. That July they celebrated their second anniversary with a second annual square dance hosted David Stone of KSTP’s Sunset Valley Barn Dance, and an appearance by singer and disc jockey Texas Bill Strength.
Not all was fun and games: in September 1957 someone raised a swastika over Knollwood and cut the rope, making it necessary for a fireman to climb a 50-ft. ladder to get it down. The Dispatch attributed it to “pranksters” and the fire chief was pictured holding the flag and smiling.
In May 1958 a barbeque hosted by Knollwood drew 50,000 guests.
Knollwood celebrated its third anniversary on August 14-16, 1958, with a square dance hosted by David Stone of KSTP’s Sunset Valley Barn Dance. Also featured were street fair vendors, an art exhibit a model airplane contest, style shows hosted by WCCO’s Jan Werner, store windows with live mannequins, a kiddie revue MC’ed by Will Jones, and an antique car meet featuring Calvin Coolidge’s 1928 Lincoln that he used on summer vacations in Wisconsin. Knollwood store managers were applauded for having their own Civil Defense unit.
In 1958 builders Ecklund & Swedlund “managed the construction of a model home and gave it away in the parking lot of the Knollwood Mall shopping center in St. Louis Park to promote ‘new’ neighborhoods around the metro area. At the time, this was the largest retail giveaway in Minnesota’s history.” The house cost $18,700, and was on display starting in September, with Mrs. Minnesota acting as official hostess. The drawing was scheduled for December 23, and it was promised to be ready for move-in on January 1, 1959. It was scheduled to be moved to the Woodlawn Hills subdivision in Minnetonka, off of Highway 7.

Knollwood’s annual Outdoor Living Spectacular took place on May 19-21, 1960. The “”King of the Back Yard” barbeque contest was for men only, with a first prize of a one week vacation on Lee Kuluver’s Northernaire Floating Lodges on Rainy Lake. There was also a sports car and boat show, a Navy recruiting station, and many giveaways:
- Young-Quinlan Rothschild gave away cocker spaniel puppies
- Sears gave away a swimming pool
- Woolworth’s gave away a patio set
Region VII Dairy Day champions and their animals, June 21, 1960. Photo below courtesy Minnesota Historical Society. Of 101 entries, the Grand Champion was a 6-year-old purebred Jersey cow shown by Billy Mallery, 18, of Coon Rapids. Reserve Grand Champion was a 3-year-old purebred Holstein cow shown by Joan Pierson, 18, of Lake Elmo.
The 1963 barbeque contest was held on May 25. Promotion chairman Earl Pleticha announced that more than 1,00 pounds of prime roast beef would be prepared by 33 amateur chefs in front of each store. For the kids there was a “mutt” contest, with prizes to be awarded to the ugliest mutt, the mutt with the most spots, and the mutt with the best trick or costume. A “colossal outdoor carnival” was also planned for the Monday before. Fred Shelton was the President of the Knollwood Merchants Association, and announced a huge sale of leisure living merchandise ever offered in the State.
An item in the October 8, 1970, issue of the Sun shows the board of directors of the shopping center planning its 15th anniversary, to take place October 22-24. Among the plans were three stage shows daily featuring Miss Mexico (Sloan Simpson) and Mexican musicians and dancers. Miss Mexico was slated to pick the winner of a free trip to Mexico. Members of the board represented Park Plaza State Bank, Powers, J.C. Penny, United National Corp. (the owner), Sears, Minnesota Federal, Betlock Jewelers, and Sherwin Williams.
A Fathers’ Day Hole-in-One Putting Contest was sponsored by Total Sports on June 9-15, 1980. First prize, a trophy and golf shirt, went to Charles Gravett of Golden Valley. Second prize, a trophy and package of golf balls, went to Terry Klug of St. Louis Park. Third prize, a trophy and Electric Putt Cup, went to Donald Machousky of the Park. There were 150 participants in the contest!
Knollwood’s 25th Anniversary celebration in September 1980 included the display of part of a $30,000 collection of antique bicycles belonging to Buddy Farnan of Naperville, Illinios.
The creation of an enclosed mall at the end of 1980 brought more opportunities for events and activities at Knollwood, including Weight Watchers meetings, jazzercise, arts and craft shows, and the creation of a community room that could accommodate 60 people.
Some girls of a certain age remember when Tony Geary (soap opera heartthrob) came to visit on January 10, 1981. (Jackie Zeman was there too.) 6,000 fans showed up for two interview sessions in the Wards Court at 11 am and 2:30 pm. There was a private evening reception, emceed by WWTC disc jockey B.J. Crocker, where Geary sold photos and kisses, all to raise money for the American Cancer Society. The event cost $6 and included entertainment, dancing, and a photo session.
Local paparazzo Richard Novak caught the moment:
A Circus Art Troupe appeared on March 12-15, 1981, performing on the tightwire, unicycle, and juggling.
The Mall Walkers and Joggers Club was formed on May 14, 1981, headed by Forest Larson.
A Table Tennis Exhibition, featuring champion Charlie Disney, was held on June 19-21, 1981.
The first annual Medifair was held on October 16-18 [9-11], 1981, with the goal of acquainting the public with agencies and organizations promoting better physical and mental health. Participants included Methodist Hospital, Pharm House Center, The American Cancer Society, Weight Watchers, the SLP LaLeche League, the Park Police and Fire Departments, Planned Parenthood of Minneapolis, STEP, and the Minnesota Epilepsy League. The event was coordinated by Ms. Terry Pearson.
65 kids ages 2 to 16 participated in a Cartwheel-a-Thon in February 1982.
On May 1, 1982, Knollwood hosted an armwrestling contest sanctioned by the World Professional Armwrestling Association and sponsored by High Life Beer. There were five mens’ divisions and two women’s – the event drew 80 contestants.
There was a western theme to the January 1983 sidewalk sale: “Round ‘Em Up, Move ‘Em Out!” Activities included a kids’ roping contest, bluegrass performances, and square dancers.
The following is a partial list of stores that have been located at Knollwood. The stores could have been located there before and/or after the dates given. Please contact us if you know of other dates or have other stores you remember and we’ll add them to the list. A huge thanks to intrepid researcher Mark Toretsky for finding so many of the stores listed below, using Polk Directories, phone directories, newspaper ads, and more. Stores listed in the announcement of the Grand Opening in 1955 are marked with an * below.
Many thanks to Knollwood Mall Management who provided the Historical Society with access to the vast majority of the historical photos below. Even as the mall was about to be almost completely redone, the management showed tremendous respect for its history and we thank them.
Abamath: – August 1 to December 31, 2013. Luke Schlangen created this tutoring facility; Abamath is short for “a better approach to math.” St. Louis Park resident Schlangen, a 2008 graduate of Minnetonka High School, with a master of science degree in industrial engineering from Iowa State, saw a fundamental problem in the way math is usually taught. “Every student learns at a different pace,” he says, “but a lot of teaching doesn’t reflect that.” Schlangen’s technique is called “the blended approach,” incorporating both attentive one-on-one math tutoring and customized software. “We start students out on the computer, either playing one of our video games or taking a pre-test,” he says, which helps determine the student’s starting point and the best curriculum to cover with a tutor. Math isn’t the only time Abamath uses the blended approach: It’s also helpful for ACT prep. “We’ve got three full practice ACT tests on our computers,” Schlangen says. “Instead of waiting a week or two, students get their results right away and start working to improve them.” “Math should be fun,” he says. “When I was a kid I loved math, but even I hated worksheets. You do better at things you enjoy.” Schlangen believes enjoyment will lead to a deeper understanding of the subject. “I hope students learn to want to pursue good careers in math and I hope what we teach helps them succeed,” he says. Abamath moved to 11000 Cedar Lake Road in Minnetonka in 2014. (February St. Louis Park Magazine)
Ace Cash Express: 2011
All Pro Sports: 1987/88-89
American Family Insurance: 1965/66 – 1981
Applebee’s: Opened on June 18, 1996 with a Dixieland band and promotions by Cities 97.
Applebee’s moved to a different location when Knollwood was reconfigured in 2014.
Aqualand Aquarium Centers: Sept. or Oct. 1972 – 1979
Arabica Express: 2/1995
Ashes: 1982-83/84. Cute name for a tobacco store.
Athletic Fitters: 1/1997
Avante Faces & Nails: 1985-88
Avenue: 2001/02-2012
Bar-B-Que Corner: 1982/83-83/84
Bargain Books: 1996/97 – 98
Bath and Body Works: Opened 1998
Bathtique: December 1982 – 2/1984
Beaute’ Techniques: 1988/89 – 12/1994
Beauty First: 2003/04
Beauty Mart: 1984/85 – 1996
*Berland’s Shoes: 1955 – 1970. Original manager was Donald E. Pelletier. At opening the store featured a merry-go-round. In 1960 the manager was Wayne Munsey. The original store was at 709 Nicollet Ave., downtown Minneapolis, going back to at least 1939.

Betlach Jewlers: 1962/63 – December 31, 1977. In business since 1921. Moved to 50th and France in Edina.

Big Dollar Store
Big Values: 2003/04
Biji: November 1998
Bishop’s Buffet/Cafeteria: Opened October 29, 1981 – 1990. Was it singular or plural? “We’re just a little bit Fussier”
Black’s Photography: 1986/87 – 1991/92 Succeeded Brown Photo.
Book Market: 1995/96
Book Shop: 2/1983 – 85/86. Used paperbacks, owned by Jeanette Tibbs.
Braun’s Women’s Apparel/Fashions: 1962/63 – 1997. Remodeled in January 1996.

Brown Photo: Opened October 15-17, 1981 – 1986/87. Pako came before, Black came after

Camera Center: 1960/61 – 1970. Moved to a new location between Powers and Woolworths in 1967.
Caribbean Tan and Beachwear: 1982 – 1997. Featuring the Wolfe system – 13 beds
Caribou Coffee: 2011
Carlson Wagonlit Travel/Carlson Travel Network
Carson Pirie Scott – See Powers.
Casual Corner: 1986/87 – 12/1994
Chaffee Jewelers: 1978 – 1988/89. Jeff and Jack Chaffee. By July 1991 the company had moved to what was then the First Star Bank Building, 8800 Highway 7.
Chatwood’s: 10/1982 – 85/86
Chicken Kitchen: 1985/86-86/87
Chicken Little: 1981 – 82/83
Christopher and Banks: 1991. Successor to Braun’s.
C.J’s Leather & Gifts: 12/1994
Claire’s Boutique: 1983/84 – Relocated in December 1992
The Closet: 1983 – 11/1993
Coach House Gifts: 1981 – 3/82
The Coat Company: September 1992 – 1996
Colonial Penn Insurance: 1983/84-88/89
Continental Hair Design: August 78-1978/79
*The Cotton Shop: 1955-56. Ad below from 1955.
Country Club Market: 1970 – 1981

County Seat: 1974/75 – 1996

Court Cafes: Name of Food Court when the mall opened. Graphic below from the December 15, 1982, St. Louis Park High Echo.
Coyote Furniture Outlet
Craft Village: 1982/83-87
Croissant Connection: 1983/84
*Crystal Door Gifts: 1955-56. Original manager was Mrs. E. J. Willis.
CTN/Prestige Travel: 1986 – 12/1994
Cub Foods: 1998- (3620 Texas Ave.) Cub Foods was founded by Minnesota-based Hooleys Supermarkets in 1968 in Stillwater by brothers Charles and Jack Hooley, brother-in-law Robert Thueson, and Culver Davis, Jr. The name “CUB” originally stood for Consumers United for Buying, and Cub Foods was one of the first total discount food stores in the United States. The chain was bought by Minnesota-based SuperValu in 1980 with five stores in the Twin Cities. After the purchase the chain expanded to 83 stores in three states. Cub Foods currently operates 67 stores in Minnesota and Illinois, with 58 of those stores located in the Twin Cities. (Not sure if this includes the Rainbows converted to Cubs in mid 2014) Cub Foods is credited with many innovations, such as the first grocery check out conveyor belt system, according to Wikipedia.
Customer Service: Guessing this was replaced by Security Office.
The Dahl House: 1986/87-
Dairy Queen: 1984/85 – 9/1996. Former security guard Nathan Hamilton writes,
Dairy Queen left a number of relics behind that existed during my employment. A false wall was in place between Panera Bread and a back corridor hall, and security had a key to a small door that let us access the spaced used by Dairy Queen. A number of signage, equipment, and especially decor remained behind that wall through my entire employment.
Dance Sport Ballroom: 1996/97
Del Farm Food Store: This was apparently a successor to National Food Store – even the sign looked the same. The Grand Opening was held on July 10, 1968 and the ad featured “Miracle Prices.” An ad dated July 24, 1969 lists Del Farm. An ad dated March 19, 1970 lists National Food, however.
Desmond’s Formal Wear: 11/1992 – 12/1994
deVillier Coiffures: Opened November 29, 1957. Callum L. deVillier held the 1933 dance marathon record, dancing for 3,780 hours from December 28, 1932 to June 3, 1933. He entered and won 12 dance marathons. He went into hairdressing and died in June 1973.

Diet Center Knollwood: 1985/86
The Diner: 1956-1963/64. In 1960 the proprietor was Harold Hjortshoj.
Ding-How: 12/1994 –
Donaldson’s: See Powers
Dragon Gate: 1997/98
Dreamer’s Sports Cards: 12/1994 – 12/1996. Owner/Manager was Nick. “If we don’t have it, we’ll get it for you!”
Dress Barn: 2001/02-
DSW Shoes: 1996/97-
Duling Optical Superstore: 1990 – 8/1993
El Gordo: 2000/01 – June 2011
El Patron: June 2011
Elegant Needle: Opened September 1982 – 1985/86. Offered needlework lessons.
Equator: 12/1993
everGreene Jewelers: 1983/84 – June 1998
Everyday Hero: 2/1993 – 3/1996
Everything’s $1.00: 2/1993 – 3/1996
Expressions: Opened August 1982 – 1988. Owned by Michael Ricker.
Extra Special Inc.: 12/1982 – 12/1994. Next to Bishop’s. Clothes for plus sized women.
The Eye Guys: 1987/88 – 12/1994
Face Factory: 1/1981
Factory Card Outlet: 1/1997 – 2008/09
Famous Footwear: Opened 2/1995
*Fanny Farmer Candies: One of the original tenants in 1955. Original manager Elna Jellum. New location inside mall in August 1982. Closed after the summer of 2003.

Fanny May Candies: 1993
Fantasia for Children: Opened April 1981 – February 1983
Fashion Beauty Salon: 1963 – 1969
First Barber/Stylists: 1980 to at least 2004
Fitwell Men’s Store: 1960/61 – 1978. Owner in 1968 was Stan Simon (Fitwell Pants Store)

Flower Fair: 1982/83 – 12/1994. Relocated in December 1992
Flowerama: 3/1982 – 1983/84. Jim Wagner, Manager.
Foot Locker: October 8, 1980 – 12/1994
Foreman & Clark: 1986/87 – 1997
Foss Swim School: 1998 –
Fun Shop: 2/1982 – 1/1998. Relocated in December 1992. Juggling supplies, adult gag gifts, magic tricks, novelties, theatrical and clown supplies, and Park’s source of rubber chickens.
Gagers Arts, Crafts, and Hobbies: Opened April 6, 1982.
Gene Baig: 2004/05
General Nutrition Center: October 8, 1980 – 12/1994
Gift House Stamp Redemption Center: 1959-68. Gift House Stamps were specific to National Tea Stores, and this “Center” was probably inside the store.
Minnesota Historical Society
GiGi: 1970/71 – 1981. Owned by Braun’s.

Glad Rags: 1980 – 86/87
Glamour Shots: 2/1993 – 12/1994
Gold Mine Arcade: 1980 – 8/1993. At first the city refused to issue a permit to company owner Nickles and Dimes, fearing too much shenanigans, but the decision was overturned by the District Court.
On June 30, 1982, the Sun reported that two managers of the Gold Mine (residents of Minneapolis in their 20s) had received stolen property from juvenile customers in exchange for $20 and free video games. The property was jewelry but also canoes stolen from creekside properties.
Michael Corbett provides us with this great story:
I was there its last day in operation. I was in Jr. High or early High school so 8th grade perhaps, or 9th? I was there with a friend playing a game and we noticed something smelled awful! I looked around and noticed a wire on one of the wooden beams was on fire!
I ran to the back room to get the attendant, but he wasn’t there. I then told people to leave and ran to the old Magic Shop nearby and told an employee to call the Fire Dept. Just then, an older patron (maybe 18?) found a fire extinguisher and ran to put it out. I told him it wouldn’t work since it was an electrical fire.
He tried anyway, and while the place started to fill with smoke from the fire and the extinguisher powder, people were still inside playing games! One person even complained he couldn’t see his game well with all the extinguisher smoke! I yelled for everyone to get out, but one person remained oblivious. Someone grabbed him out of there and the guy with the extinguisher tried again, and to my amazement, the fire was put out…for 10 seconds. Then it came back and quickly spread along the wire and started the beam on fire.
A few seconds later, the arcade attendant came running back (from the food court or bathroom, we aren’t sure), and asked what was going on. A bunch of us yelled at him to cut the power. He ran to the backroom and did just that, and the fire went out.
A few minutes later, the Fire Dept showed up. They ended up evacuating some stores nearby and they had to get a huge fan to keep the smell from spreading to the rest of the mall.
Gold Mine never reopened. Several months later, a remodeled arcade showed up in its place under a different name (Tilt). It didn’t last long since arcades like that were already on the decline.
Golden Chain Gang: 1985/86 – 12/1994
Golden Gazebo: 1994/95
Gondolier Coffee Shop: Inside Ward’s. Pizza in 1981
Gordon’s Jewelers: 1980/81 – 1982. Announced the company’s 76th Anniversary in November 1981.
Great Clips: 1983/84 – 12/1994
Great Golf Gifts: 1989-
Great Scents: 1995/96 – 97
Gyros & Yogurt: 1990
Gyros Pocket Sandwiches: 1980 – 1982
Hal’s Sportswear: Opened July 1981 – 82
Hardware Hank: 1976/77 (teaser ad in the December 22, 1976 Sun) to October 1979
*Harold, Inc.: 1955 – 1974. “For that look of finesse.” First manager was Mrs. Bonnie Marcotte. The entrance opened into a garden with colored lights and a fountain imported from France. A French fireplace, antique sconces, and chandeliers graced the interior. There was a Harold store at 818 Nicollet and a Harold’s Boutique in the lobby of the Radisson Hotel.

Heakin Research: 1984/85 – 1996
Heels Plus: 1984/85-
Heidi’s Accessories:
*(John W.) Heller Women’s Sportswear: 1955 to 1957-58. Original manager was Shirley Beggs.
*Hennepin (Lake) Stationers: 1955 – 1986/87. Original manager was Lee Larson

Herbert’s Knollwood OK Hardware: 1960/61-
Heritage House Fabrics: 1965/66 – 1974
Herman’s World of Sporting Goods: 1983/84 – 2/1993
Hobby Fair: 1962 – 1966
Hoff Jewelers: Opened February 1993 – 1998
Ho Ho Cafe: 1964 – 1986/87. This restaurant was owned by Eddie and Faye Ng.
House of Frames: 1975
House of Hobbies: 1956
House of Racette: 7/1981 – 1984/85. Sold wicker, decor – owned by Carol Racette.
House of Salisbury: 1957-58. This was a gift store that sold costumme jewelry, handbags, ceramics, China, greeting cards, linens, hankies, and stoles. It was run by Hubbard Salisbury, who had run a similar store in Minneapolis for 15 years. Unfortunately, Mr. Salisbury died of a heart attack on April 3, 1957, at the age of 53 while preparing to open this store. His wife apparently carried on for a bit.
House of Tran: 1986/87 – 12/1994
Htc Plus: 1997/98
*Hunter’s Plaza Bakery: 1955-61. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Jones. In 1955 it featured all-day baking. In 1960 they had 3,000 customers/week. Ad below from 1955.
id: 2/1993 – 4/1994
Ife African Store: 11/1997
Initial Idea: 2/1993 – 12/1994
International Brass Co.: 12/1993
International Food European Deli – October 1982
*Jack and Jill: 1955 – January 1980. Original manager was Mrs. Ann Vetter. Featured style shows for customers. An August 1955 ad announced a downstairs department featuring self-service and bargain prices.

*Jay’s Cameras: 1955-62. Original manager was John Leffler. In 1962 the manager was Leonard Kline. Other stores in 1957 were downtown, the HUB, and Edina. The ad below suggests that there was a Hallmark store inside the shop.

Jensen Optical: 1956 – 1972. Optometrists in 1956-60 were Dr. W.O. Jensen and Dr. N.E. Schultz. Jensen had worked for Kindy Optical, and this was his 17th office (the first opened in 1951).

Jewelart: 1981 – 1997
John Carr Men’s Shop: 1958/59-63. In 1960 owner John Carr announced that men’s topcoats were out, replaced by an all-weather, Continental cut, shorter coat in iridescent colors.

*Johnston Appliances: 1955-58. George Johnston, Jr. offered special television demonstration booths. Company in business since 1924. Also at 3029 Nicollet and warehouse at 611 W. Lake. Also sold boats. Manager in 1960 was Gordon Radtke.
Julie Ann Fabrics: 1973/74-1978. “Lost our Lease” sale April 1978.
Junior Miss: April 4, 1959 – January 1982. Owned by Norall Chatfield. The store included a “drawing room” for girls to hang out and exchange fashion ideas. Girls were also given charge accounts. In the April 15, 1959 Echo, student reporter Dede Smith told of the Kingston Trio’s appearance at the opening of Junior Miss at Knollwood. Dede reported that they were dressed in Ivy League clothes and spouted the latest ‘Frisco jazz talk. The store closed when the mall was enclosed and the rent doubled.

Just Petites: 1986/87-
Kalika: Opening November 17-19, 1989. Natural fabric clothing, handcrafted jewelry and accessories.
Kay Bee Toy & Hobby: October 8, 1980 – 12/1994
Keith’s Furniture Outlet: 2008/09 – 2011
Kenwood-Penn TV and Appliances: 1975/76 – January 1982. Moved to Richfield.
*Kinney Shoes: 1955 – 8/1993. Original manager was Gordon A. Erickson (pictured below left in 1955).
Kismet Collectibles: Opened March 1982. Hummels.
Kiss & Make Up: 1981-82/83
Kitchen Window: 1981-82/83
Knollwood Beauty Salon: 1960/61 – 1981
Knollwood Customer Service Center: Closed March 4, 1996. This became the security office, with a direct flight of stairs to the food court basement behind the office.
Knollwood Dental Clinic: 3/1983 – 2/1993. Drs. Douglas W. Anderson and Peter A. Bervin, Lower Level.
Knollwood Hardware: 1961/62 – January 1972. Ed White, Owner/Manager
Knollwood Hobby & Toys: 1956-59/60
Knollwood Liquors: 1969 – 1974
Knollwood Pet Shop: 1960 Owner/Manager was Bill Obenschein/Abenschen. Didn’t sell animals, although the $2.98 Ant Farms came with Free Ants!
Knollwood Plitt Theater (Knollwood 4 Theaters). The theater complex opened on December 3, 1981 with a free showing with “Sharkey’s Machine” with Burt Reynold, accompanied by free snacks and cocktails. The first week, starting on Friday, December 4, also featured free movies: “The Black Stallion,” “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” “The Sound of Music,” and “Fiddler on the Roof.” The four screens seated:
Screen I: 335
Screen II: 408
Screen III: 250
Screen IV: 414
These popular theaters closed in 1999 with plans to open a 16-screen theater, but those plans fell through. The theaters sat eerily silent for 15 years before redevelopment plans in 2014 seal their fate for demolition. Many thanks to Mall management for allowing the Historical Society to tour the ruins and create this slide show in December 2013. Photos by Emory Anderson.
Kohl’s: Built new in 1994-95 at the site of the old Powers/Donaldson’s/Carson Pirie Scott. Grand Opening on August 4, 1995. Kohl’s was based in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, and went public in 1993. At the time it opened in Knollwood it had 90 stores in the Midwest and planned to open 16 to 18 more in 1994.

KRS Computer & Business School: 1991 – 8/1996
Lancer: August 5, 1982 – 1985/87
Larksport Sales Group: 1996/97
LeeAnn Chin: 2011 –
LeMonde Tailors: Opened April 1981 – current
Lerner New York: 2/1993 – 12/1994
Les Gourmets Diner: 1956 – 1958
Liberty Tax Service: 2008/09
Lids: 11/1998. Hat store.
Lillian’s Gifts: 1955. Formerly at Seven Corners.
Linens ‘n’ Things: 1988/89 – 12/1994
Lulu Morgan: 2002/03
Lyndale House of Antiques: 2011 – 2012
Mac’s Carmel Box: May 1981 – 1984/85. In Port Cafe, then new food court.
Mack and Moore: 2001/02
McDonald’s: 8/1983 – 1997. When McDonald’s came in there was considerable controversy, as the owners wanted it to be in the main part of the mall and not in the food court. The city tried to block it, saying that it was against the terms of the PUD that was developed for the mall in 1977. The issue caused the city to revisit the PUD, but eventually McDonald’s ended up in the food court.
Magasin Du Nord: 10/1981 – 4/1982. Town and Country clothes. Also in Deephaven.
Malibu Print Gallery: 1992 – 2000
Marco Polo Imports: 1985/86-87/88
Mark It Shop: 1981-82/83
Massage Oriental: 2011
Matin Restaurant II: 1985/86 – 8/1993
Maurice’s: 1972/73 – 1974
Maurice L. Rothschild Young-Quinlan: See Young-Quinlan
Maxim’s Fashion Beauty Salon: 1959/60 – 1969
MC Wireless/AT&T: 2011
Merle Norman: 1986/87 –
Midwest Federal Savings and Loan (3670 Aquila): Opened on July 26, 1981.
Minnesota Army National Guard: 2/1993 – 8/1993
Minnesota City Sweatshirt Company: 11/1996 – 1/1997
Minnesota Federal of Minneapolis
Mobile M Express: 12/1996 – 5/1997
Money Centers: 1999/2000
Montgomery Ward: Opened October 18, 1979. Closed in December 1997. Park Knoll Elementary, which was a relatively new school, was sold and demolished to make way for the Ward’s parking lot. Ward’s featured the Cavalier Coffee Shop. The building became Cub Foods in 1998.

Mr. Bulky Treats: 8/1993 – 4/1994
Mrs. Field’s Cookies: October 8, 1982 – 1997
Ms. J’s: 1984/85-85/86
Music 2: March 1982 – 85/86. Marvin Lewis
Musicland: 1964/65 – 1998. Musicland goes back to at least 1957, with stores at 503 Hennepin, 22 So. 7th Street, and 7th at Wabasha in St. Paul.

Myron’s Hallmark: October 8, 1980 – 12/1994
*Nagel’s Restaurant: 1955-56. Joseph G. Nagel. Photos below from a fabulous postcard found by Nancy Pearson on Capacity 250, it says.
*National Tea Food Store: 1955 – 1970. Original manager Stanley Pivic. In 1960 the store was renovated and a deli was installed, featuring “Portuguese kippers, olives, peanuts, cheese, fancy dressings, and a new canned Welsh rarebit, something the chef can cook and serve.” Succeeded by Del Farm Food Stores, which opened July 10, 1968, although an ad from 1970 again lists National.

National Salon Resources: 2001/02
Naturalizer Shoes: 1980 – 12/1994
Nature’s Hideaway: August 10, 1995
Nicholas Beauty Salon: 1958-60/61. “Beauty Can Be Yours”
Nicholas Burr. Operated until at least June 1960.
No Name Pizza: 10/18/1996. Gone by 2003.
Nokomis Launderers: 1996/97
Northwest Fabrics and Crafts: 2/1993 – 6/1996
N.S.L. Lighting: 1985/86-87
Nutrition World: Inside Ward’s – Opened October 1979.
NW Wireless: 1999/2000
Old Navy: 2000 –

Old Tyme Sausage Shop: 1972/73 – 1974. Usinger Fine Sausage.
One of a Kind Pizza: 7/1981 – 1987
1 Potato 2: 1984/85 – 1996. In 1994 the owners were sisters Lindy Burgraff and Jan Simpson.
Oof Da Tacos: 8/1993
Optics Unlimited: 12/1982
Orange Julius: October 8, 1980 – 1996
Pako Film Shop: 1970/71 – 1981. Pako Corp. sold Pako Photo to Brown Photo in May 1981.

Pan Dee Restaurant: November 1957 – 1966. In June 1958, Austin G. Engel of the Minneapolis Bridge School, ran a regular Beginner’s Duplicate Bridge lesson and game at the restaurant.
Panera Bread: 1999/2000 –

*Park Plaza State Bank: 1955 – 1972. Follow the link for history and photos.
Party City: 2008/09 –
Party Plus: 1980 – 8/1993
Payless ShoeSource: 1980 – 12/1994
Peiking Duck House: 1996
Peanut Shack: 1980 – 1987/88
Pearle Vision Center: October 8, 1980 – 2011
Peck and Peck: Opened June 1981 – 1982
*J.C. Penney: 1955 – 1985/86. Original manager was J.T. Davies. This was Penny’s second suburban store, with two others planned. With Sears, broke ground by opening on Sundays starting in November 1969.

Former security officer Nathan Hamilton wrote:
JC Penney’s penthouse was still accessible from the roof during (2003-2004). The space was a small office with an old desk and chair. The JC Penney name outline was still on the wall and a welded shut door on one end. Through the cracks of of the welded door frame you could see down past the weird skylights into the interior of the mall near Bath & Body Works.
Perfect Nails: 3/1996 –
*Pet Center: 1955 – 11/1965. Original manager Wilfred Abenschein offered a complete meat department for pets. First ad below is from 1955.

Pet Circus: 1992 – 4/1994
Pet Ranch: 3/1996 – 11/1998
Pet Land Pet Store: 1980 – 1981
Phones to Own: Opened October 1982. Division of Tele-Tronics, Inc. – 4 Twin Cities locations.
Photo Booth

Pictures: 2001/02-
*Pilgrim “Johnny on the Spot” Cleaners: 1955 – 1996. Original manager was Phil G. Haspel. In 1956 there were Pilgrim Cleaners at 6408 Minnetonka Blvd. and at Westwood Shopping Center. “We do mighty fine cleaning.” In 1960 manager Bing Parks was installing a conveyor.

Pizza and Sub Express: 2001/02
P.J.’s Off Sale Liquor: See Royal Court
*Plaza Barber Shop: 1955 – 1993. This must have been quite a place in 1955, with a phone at every chair and what passed for a wide screen TV to watch, even though there was no waiting. Original manager was William C. McCadden. In 1957 the six barbers used a new “Sanitary Outliner” method – no nicks, no cuts, no lather, no wet towels or skin irritant. “Have your neck shaved the sanitary way – electrically.” In 1974-78 it advertised “Regular Haircuts & Styling.” 1978 offerings included Henna Highlighting and Support Perms.
*Plaza Loan Co./Plaza Finance: Opened June 1, 1955; Grand Opening August 24, 1955, Bob Corbin manager. Richard Mark was manager in 1960. Still there July 1969.
Plymouth Optical: 1973 – 1982
Port Cafe: This was the name of the pre-mall food court.
Postal Finance: 1973 – 1981/82. Founded in 1905.
*Powers Department Store: 1955 – 1985. Powers Knollwood was the first complete suburban department store in the Twin Cities. Dayton’s and Donaldson’s had the Dales sewn up, so Powers moved to the smaller venues. The store had two floors and a mezzanine, with a restaurant on the second floor. It was “dedicated to family living and keyed to a casual way of life.” The first Powers store was established at 5th and Nicollet in 1881. It was originally called the S.E. Olson Co., but was renamed Powers after being taken over by St. Paul drygoods merchant Alanzo J. Powers and his son, Fred E. Powers. The Powers family sold out in the 1920s but the name stuck. The first manager (from at least 1955 to 1960) at the Knollwood Powers was Walter Lamm. In 1960 another suburban store opened in Highland Park.

The store was replaced by:
Donaldson’s: 1985-91
Carson Pirie Scott: 1991 – January 26, 1994. Went bankrupt and closed several stores.
In 1994 the building was demolished and rebuilt for Kohl’s.
Prestige Travel: 1982/83-
Pretzelmaker: Opened 1/1996
Private Lines: 1983 – 2/1993
Pro Central: 10/1992 – 2/1993
Proex One Hour Photo Store: November 9, 1981 – 1997. Relocated in 1996. Used a computerized Noritsu QSS system with 16 programmable channels. This was the first Proex store.
Proex Portrait Studio: 1981 – 4/1994
R. David Furniture: August 1978 – 1979/80
Radio Shack: October 8, 1980 –
Rainbow’s End: 1980/81-85/86. Sundae shop. Moved to Westwood Shopping Center.
Record Lane: 1956 to at least November 1965. This was the first record store at Knollwood, complete with listening booths. It was owned by Manny Swaetz, whose department store on Olson Memorial Highway was demolished for the “Glenwood Project” urban redevelopment effort. He first opened a new department store here in the Park at 6315 Minnetonka Blvd. Leo Fine, later of Park Music Center, was the manager of the Record Lane at Knollwood. Manny owned another Record Lane at 806 Nicollet Ave.
Red Key Restaurant: Opened January 15, 1970. Described as an Old English, yet fast-food restaurant, it was owned by a subsidiary of Red Owl Foods. It was a free-standing building, 2,100 sq. ft. with a seating capacity of 50 people. Lloyd Berkus described it such: “Finished in Old English wood beam and wrought-iron chandeliers, with high ceiling and leaded windows, the warm, comfortable atmosphere combined with the Red Key’s exclusive recipes, will make the restaurant one of the finest fast-food outlets in the area.” Red Owl entered the restaurant business in 1962 when it bought Snyder Drug. In 1970 it owned 27 restaurants in Snyder Drug Stores and 11 in Red Owl Stores.

Despite six years of research, the restaurant didn’t click and it was closed in 1972.
The building was razed and rebuilt as Twin City Federal. It operated from April 1972 to 2014.
*Red Owl: 1955 – 1983. Original manager was John Wilwerding. In 1955 it promised a live lobster tank and “perlmeter stocking of perishables.” In the Twin Cities in 1955 there were 14 Red Owl stores, including Knollwood and Miracle Mile. In March 1960 manager Howie De Schmitt boasted that the store had one of only four new meat weigher-wrapper-labelers in the U.S. At that time the store underwent a $15,000 remodeling.

The building was razed and the site became Twin City Federal.
Red Wing Shoes: 1978 – 1983/84
Reedy Camera and Card Center: Opened January 25, 1969-1970

Reflections: 2001/02
Regis Hairstylists: 1980 – 12/1994. The Knollwood Regis won the company’s President’s Award in 1988, 1990, 1991, 1993, and 1994.
Renaissance Bar: Opened in 1975 or ’76. Closed in January 1978.
*Richman Brothers Men’s Clothing: 1955-56. Original manager John Orth.
Ritz Camera and One Hour Photo: 1991/92 – 1/1997
Robert’s Plaza Bakery: 1961 – 1997. Robert Larson bought Hunter’s Bakery in 1961. Larson also had a Deephaven location that he operated from 1983 to 1998.

Rohomis Afrique Boutique: 2003/04
Royal Court Restaurant/P.J.’s Off Sale Liquor Store: 1962 – 1976. Entertainment lounges included the Jesters Court, Hi-Court Lounge, Dungeon Bar, and the Carveteria. A 1970 menu included dishes such as Tournedos of Beef, Facon du chef, Veal Cutlet Oscar, Breast of Capon Caprice, Brochette of Beef, Arliesienne, Dover Sole Marquery, Florida Pampano.

Sabarro Pizza: 2003-2004
Saigon (Too) Restaurant: June 1982 – 12/1994. This Vietnamese restaurant was owned by Ngoc Ba Nguyen, who also owned the Saigon Restaurant at Grand Ave. and 38th St. So. in Minneapolis. “We didn’t come 9000 miles to cook you ordinary food.” The restaurant was reviewed in the Sun on October 27, 1982.
St. Louis Park Police Substation: Opened on October 5, 1996
Sam Goody Record Store: 1993 – 1998
Sbarro: 1986/87 – 2001/2002. The store started as the home of pizza by the slice. In 1994 the store expanded its menu to include fettuccine Alfredo, sausage and peppers, spinach lasagna, and several vegetarian items.
*Sears Roebuck & Co.: 1955 – 1974. Original manager was Earl Plecticak [Pleticha]. This was Sears’ first suburban store. It had a service station on the property. With Penney’s, broke ground by opening on Sundays starting in November 1969. Left for the new Ridgedale Mall in 1974.
Shaq’s Jerseys: 2002/03
Sheer Treasures
*Sherwin Williams Paints: 1955 – 1979. Joel Ree was the manager from 1955 until at least 1968.

Shirts ala Carte
Shoe Care & Repair: Opened June 1981 – 1984/85. Dennis Graff
Singer Sewing Center: 1966/67 – 1978/79

Slender Gal Salon: December 1957 – 1958 Mrs. Marion Lind was the manager of this salon; another branch was at 5455 Nicollet. A December 1957 ad promised “No gymnastics, disrobing, steam baths, starvation diets. Ideal Christmas gift.”
Sofo Furniture Outlet: 2012-
So-Fro Fabrics: Opened 12/1982 – 84/85
Software, Etc.: 2/1993 – 12/1994
Spa Petite: 1986

Sport Card Shop
Squirtworks: Reader Mike says “This store sold shirts and tee shirts that the customer squirted paint on then spun on a spinner for a unique design.”
The Stable: 10/1982 – 83. 15th Store in area.
Steve & Barry’s: Opened November 14, 2006 – 2008/09. This was Steve & Barry’s fifth location in Minnesota and one of 150 nationally. “New York-based Steve & Barry’s University Sportswear is a specialty retailer offering licensed and non-licensed apparel for men, women and children. Founded in 1985, the company operates anchor and junior anchor mall-based locations throughout the U.S.
Stop and Create
Stride Rite Bootery: 1981 – 83/84
Stuart’s: 1980 – 12/1994
*Style Togs: Opened August 24, 1955 – 1957. Owned by Sam Cohn and managed by John E. Anderson. Ads below from 1955.
Subway: 1988/89 – 12/1994
*Suzy Hats Millinery: 1955-58. Manager was Miss N. Palmer. There was another store at Southdale. Ads below from 1955.
*Swiss Center: 1955
Swiss Colony: 12/1994 (may have been seasonal)
Taco Maker: 10/1990 – 2/1993
Tacos Plus: 1981-82
Telephone Store
Tender Sender: 1985/86-
*Three Sisters: 1955 – 1966. First manager was Samuel Parks. The chain started in 1925; this was its 150th store. The store was laid out so that the entire stock could be seen from outside. Manager in 1960 was Don Eppel.
Thom McAnn Shoes: 1981
Tilt: 4/1994 – 12/1994 Successor to the Gold Mine Arcade.
T.J. Maxx Homegoods: Opened May 22, 1983. A subsidiary of Zayre, the chain started in 1977. The store has 17,000 sq. ft. and occupies the space formerly occupied by Red Owl. The first store manager was Mike Skrec.
T-Mobile: 2011
Total Sports: 10/1979 – 1997
Touch of Class: 12/1994
*Town & Country (Ace) Hardware: 1955-57. Original manager F.N. Row offered a hand and garden tool rental department. In 1957 an ad said another location was at the Edina Shopping Center. In 1960 the co-managers were Gordon Wickman and Harley Grones
Toy Fair: 1959 – 66. A 1961 ad said “We Do Picture Framing!”

*Toyland U.S.A.: 1955
Trade Secret: 2006/07
Transtech: 2011 – 2012
Twin City Federal Savings and Loan: Follow the link for history and photos.
Unique Bath Boutique: 1973 – 1983
Ups & Downs: 1986/87-
Upstage Shoe Store: October 8, 1980 – 1985/86
Uptown Finance: 1967/68 – 1972
U.S. Army Career Center: 2011 –
U.S. Post Office: This standalone self-service Post Office was in the parking lot from at least December 1968 to at least 1982. The photo by Emory Anderson shows it in 1977.
U.S. Tobacco: 1996/97
U.S. Video: 1981-1986/87
U.S. Woman: Opened 3/15/1982 – 1984
Vision World: 1984/85 – 2012
Visionworks: 2012-
Waldenbook(s): October 8, 1980 – 11/1998
*Walgreen’s: 1955 – 2000. Original manager Vernon Nilson. It expanded in 1973, and moved out in 2000.

Wear Inc.
Wear-House by Braun’s: 1975/76 – June 1981
Wender’s: January 1981 – 1982. Marshall Wender’s women’s apparel store. Had been at 54 So. 7th Street downtown, where it had been since October 1931 – now site of City Center. Wender’s advertised in May 1982 that it must raise cash immediately, but it was still running the same ads four months later.
Westies Footwear: 1996- 97
Wilson Leather: 12/1996 – 2001/02
Wooden Bird: October 1992 – 1997
Wooden Wheel: 12/1995
*F.W. Woolworth: 1955 – 1976. Original manager was R.W. Nelson. The store had two levels and is remembered for its soda fountain, photo booth, and goldfish for sale. One young miss remembers that when you ordered a sundae at the soda fountain, the waitress would pop a balloon with a price tag inside to see what you owed. It was the firm’s third store in the Twin Cities and its second in a shopping center.

World Tae Kwan Do Academy: 11/0996 – 5/1998
*(Maurice L. Rothschild’s) Young-Quinlan: 1955 – January 1978. Original manager was Jerry Smale. An ad from 1956 says that the downtown store was:
- The first store in Minneapolis with electric lights
- The first complete men’s store
- The first fashion specialty store in the United States
- The first to bring imports to the Northwest
- The first store in America with its own auto ramp
Young Quinlan. 1969. St Louis Park Sun.
Yvette’s: 2012-